Friday 5 July 2013

In Conversation with Gareth Pugh

Highlight: A second chance to see the Tudor Exhibition at Buckingham Palace

Lowlight: Very! Almost as bad as conference for Arqiva, but much redder so everyone looked like they had sunburn - luckily the weather has been nice so red faces did not look too out of place.

Fill-in: Having already met Gareth at his studio it was interesting to hear him talk about his work with re-nowned fashion commentator Colin McDowell. I got a chance to look round the exhibition properly which was useful as my son has the life and times of Shakespeare as his homework so I could fill him in on the clothing of the day.

Tech spec: F1.4, ISO 6400 and still I was struggling. Had to wait til Gareth or Colin looked up to get a well lit shot. Used body as a tripod as shown me by Independent Photographer - Laurie Lewis many years ago (basically bracing your arms into the sides of your ribs and with one leg forwards of the other, whilst pressing camera hard into your face. Uncomfortable but it works.

Wednesday 3 July 2013

Arqiva 2013

Highlight: Working with Jack Barron - cool as a cucumber.

Pic: Jack Barron

Pic: Jack Barron

Lowlight: Two photographers and still had to woof down dinner

Fill-in: Normally I do this event on my own which means running between the stage and backstage and  the office to get the celebs arriving, performances, awards presentations and sending it up to the internet straight away. This year, for the 40 year anniversary there were twice as amny celebs, a party and a conference to cover as well, so there was a budget for two photographers - phew. Jack Barron stepped into the breach but even so , we still only had 10 minutes for dinner in our 12 hour shift.

Tech spec: Fast lenses for conference as light was appalling; we had to ask the venue technicians to climb up and sort out the spotlights so the stage actually had some light on it! I used fast lenses,  ISO 800 and shots RAW for the performances and on stage shots; Jack used on camera flash for the red carpet and Bowens Gemini 500s with brollies for the backstage awards.

Thursday 20 June 2013

Beady Eye

Highlight: Revisiting The Camden Centre (last time I was there was the NME Brat Awards over a decade ago)

Lowlight: Not having a photopass on the door - DON"T THEY KNOW WHO I AM!!!

Fill-in: The pass was arranged via Sony Japan Record company who book me to take photos of their events in London for the Japanese Press. I am not taking photos for the UK press, or the UK Record Company, or the Japanese Record Company so getting a pass is a bit long winded as I don't fit into any department, but eventually I had ticket and pass.

Tech spec: Usual gig lighting - blue, red, dark, top lit. The rule of thumb is look for the angles when the light is down and as soon as the light comes up snap away. I had to get all the band members so it was pretty tricky - but Liam is always good for photos.

Wednesday 12 June 2013

State of the Nation with Boris Johnson

Highlight: Hearing all the gripes of the Greater Spotted Londoner

Fill-in: Held at Central Hall, Westminster, this event is a chance for the ordinary Londoner to come and put questions to the Mayor, currently Boris Johnson. This year it was broadcast live with Nic Ferrari on the mike.

Tech spec: The main obstacle was ensuring I could go freely round the building to get as many angles as possible as there was not much action which meant getting a lot of security on side. There was security for the building, security for Boris, security for the event - all of which I had to be verified with and took at least half an hour. But investing time in this at the beginning makes life much easier when you are running round under pressure.

Saturday 18 May 2013

Nutkhut Stilt Walkers Rehearsals

Highlight: Watching the stilt walkers rehearse

Lowlight: Not being able to stay all day

Fill-in: Ajay of Nutkhut called me to photograph his stilt walker rehearsals at Greenwich Theatre. It was pretty dark as the space was painted black but it was moody.

Tech spec: Lots of black to had to shoot it all on manual. Very low light - so 3200 ISO, F2 on my 50mm and 85mm.

Wednesday 15 May 2013

Royal Collection - kids workshops

Highlight: Trip to Windsor Castle and catching up on my history

Lowlight: Dragging a load of lights up from the car park and not needing to use them.

Fill-in: This is part of an on-going commission to document the education programmes for the Royal Collection. Pix of kids so i can't show them to you or I would have to kill you.

Tech spec: Shooting against the light, in long narrow rooms so light was very contrasty and spot metering essential.

Thursday 9 May 2013

Tudor Exhibition Launch - Buckingham Palace

Highlight: Sneak preview of Tudor Fashion Exhibition with breakfast included.

Lowlight: Not getting enough time to see exhibition

Fill-in: It was a social media launch of this exhibition so I was taking photos of people taking photos with their ipads and smart phones. It was launched at breakfast so we had pastries and croissants, tea and coffee served with a bone china tea service.

Tech spec: Very low saturated light so I took everything RAW to give myself plenty of adjustment leeway in the processing.