Lowlight: Too brassic to be able to afford anything plus the sound of screaming teenage girls rivals any rock band in the decibels stakes. Earplugs a necessity in this game.
Fill in: Photographing for a major record label showcasing its latest wares - Bluey, Loick, SixD and Talay to the kids in West London. Placing oneself between a teenage heartthrob and a crowd of extremely worked up teenage girls is one of the most dangerous situations you can get in in music photography (yes - I have had broken ribs from this situation) so it was with some apprehension that I slid into the rather flimsy looking pit, but the security looked hefty enough so I kept them close. The stage was right slap bang in the middle of loads of prestige stores three stories high and lining the balconies crammed with cool kids. Brief - to get this wondrous scene but to avoid getting any picures of brand names, shop logos, shop fronts or shop identification. In short - close ups of the artists only. What a waste of a fab photo opp but a job is a job.
Tech Spec: So it was on with the long lens and an hour of solid concentration trying to get the action whilst eliminating anything of interest from the background! I left the flash off and used a wide open aperture to get the background really indistinct. Even so I still had to clone out a few logos format he final images before they could be used.
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