Lowlight: Dinner was at one of the best steakhouses in London and I'm a veggie. Mind you, the cheesecake was to die for.
Fill in: Private showcases from Snow Patrol, Pixi Lott, James Morrison and Dev along with a pitch from Red1 of all his new projects make this a major event in the Record Industry calendar as MDs from all over Europe and Asia get together to see news works performed by the artists of the moment and to get their photograph taken with them - yes that's where I come in. The brief is to get performance shots and meet and greet snaps, which, depending on the mood of the artists booked can mean shooting all night, or hanging around all night for a handful of snaps or even in the case of one artist - no shots at all as they didn't bother to show up. However I get dinner which is a sumptuous affair. Usually the meet and greet shots happen just as desert is served - or more to the point - as MY desert is served, as the top tables get theirs first and by the time the staff get to me the top table have finished.
Tech Spec: Two cameras, one set up for low light performance shots (usually first three no flash as for gigs) and one for quick snaps (full flash, point and shoot). As it happens my flash decided to conk out on this job right in the middle of shooting gSnow Patrol. There is no time to hang around at these events so I had to whip off the speed light and rely on my pop up flash - they do come in useful and for this reason I always use the D700 for snaps just in case.
For more info www.mediaevalbaebes.co.uk
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