Lowlight: Trying to look intelligent as people networked.
Fill in: The event was a reception for musicians, actors and writers to meet and lobby MPs and prominent politicians. It is always interesting to see who is truly active in this role from the entertainment sector and who just turns up for the free booze. I was pleasantly surprised to see a couple of my favourite actors staying the whole evening and doing the rounds. It is a get round and chat event, and unluckily for me my social skills and political knowledge are appalling but luckily for me I have a quick get out clause - I need to take pictures. Harriet Harman and Ed Vasey headed the speeches.
Tech Spec: The terrace pavilion is a white tented affair, so I use on camera flash and a Gary Fong diffuser to get a soft light all round. Technically the brief is fairly easy - taking snaps of groups talking, particularly members of the MU with MPs. The problem is not going round too early whilst people are getting into the flow and not going round too late when people are leaving or have left. It is also remembering who you have taken already so you don't keep asking the same person for photos all the time and get thrown out for stalking. (Although some people are better networkers than others so appear in almost every shot! - another pitfall to avoid) Every event has a peak time and this one was fairly easy as the speeches were quite late in the proceedings so most people were around by the time they had started. I always love doing an event here as the head waiter is exceptionally charming and attentive to everyone's needs - including photographers, who so often get overlooked - heavy sigh!
For editorial: www.theMU.org
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