Highlight: Tim getting stuck in traffic - he's best when he's mean and moody
Lowlight: Saxon (Emily's baby) hogging the limelight - even when asleep - never work with children
Fill in: Pythia needed new PR shots and who was I not to grab the opportunity to photography five hot musicians. Emily, never one to miss an opportunity, arranged to do the shoot at her work place which just so happens to be a fabulous church. Tim however had to travel three hours in the London rush hour to get there and understandably not in the best frame of mind when he arrived. However, professional that he is, he got on with it and the mean and moody shots that resulted were the best I have of him yet - and the aura filtered to the rest of the band who all also looked FAB.
Tech Spec: Emily wanted a huge arched window in the background. My poor long suffering partner had man flu but I showed no mercy and insisted he climb out onto the window sill (30 feet in air as we were on first floor) in wind and rain to fix up a backlight. This was the main light that I allowed to bleed around the band, which meant careful positioning to avoid flare; then the front light was just a large diffused fill light (1/3 fill in) and placed right behind me to avoid reflection in the window. I had to stand on a huge step ladder (brought upstairs by my long suffering partner) to get eye level with the band. The ivy was painstakingly grown grown courtesy of photoshop.
For further details: www.pythiamusic.com
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