Sunday, 10 June 2012

Maldon Saints Football Tournament

Highlight: Working with Fearless Frog again.

Lowlight: Trying to park. Ended up having to do a quick dash across a field of kids practising their penalty shoot outs to get a free space.

Fill in: A couple of years ago I was asked to help out at this children's football event, and was pleased when Trevor Fearless Frog contacted me to cover it again. Fearless Frog turn the images around on the day so it is always great to see your pictures displayed up on the boards minutes after disgorging them onto Trevor's long suffering partner Alison. (For the single people out there, do NOT get involved with a photographer, you will  be end being every thing from packhorse - carrying cartloads of delicate equipment, to runner - posting film, collecting film, sending film, to therapist - 'yes darling of course your photos are great', to bank manager -'no you can't afford £5,000 for the Nikon D4', to general motivator - 'get up and go and do some work'. 

Tech Spec: I was on the youngest teams - under 8's, and everything from team shots, to award giving shots to action shots - preferable a good one of every single child there - was the modest aim of the day. Inevitable I was always at the wrong end of the pitch, taking lots of a team who weren't interested in buying photos , and getting requests for kids in action who were for the most part inactive. However Trevor, ever organised, had schedules all planned including lunch breaks and drinks so there was time to convene with the other two photographers there and have a collective lament on the trials of the day. 

Even a small tournament like this demands long lens work and the 70-200mm on a D700 was still not closing in as well as I would like. Most of the day was spent with two bodies on tow in Shutter priority to freeze the action (at least 1/250 second) and adjusting the ISO to get the necessary aperture.

For more info:

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