Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Arqiva Radio Awards with The Noisettes

Highlight: Up close and personal performance by The Noisettes.

Lowlight: Hardcore Paps! 

Ronnie Wood receives two awards

 Micah B performs

Katherine Jenkins receives an award

The Noisettes bring the house down

Fill in: The baby sitter cried off sick so it was a last minute rush to charge up an iPad for Kyle and persuade him that he really did want to come and sit in a dressing room for 6 hours whilst mummy worked. 'Can I go on Club Penguin?' was  his only concern in the matter so the deal was done. Consequently I arrived too late to bag a spot for the red carpet as the place was already teaming with paparazzi gearing up their laptops and setting out their step ladders. Luckily I knew a few of the guys and was given a spot at the front. not that it did me any good - shouting out to celebs is not my strong point so I got few pictures where the subject was actually looking in my lens or wasn't over flashed. It was a long night with a mixture of quick fire grab shots, group award portraits, performance shots and party snaps. My long suffering partner was in the dressing room with Kyle processing and uploading pictures on the fly.

Tech spec:. Essential equipment - bracket to place flash on side of camera for pap headshots. Quantum battery pack for quick fire flashes. Loud voice. Distinctive clothing to direct celeb to your lens. My lead for my side bracket was broken. I lost my quantum ages ago and forgot to replace it for this event. I had a sore throat and I was wearing black for the performance shots. Otherwise I was well prepared....

For more info:

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