Saturday 20 August 2011

Learn To Play

Highlight: Getting Kyle into this exclusive event where kids can have a go on various instruments with a qualified teacher.

Lowlight: Having to try and take photos while Kyle and his friend created sonic bedlam and Kyle bemoaning the fact there were no drums.
Fill in: The brief was to capture the kids having fun. And boy did they have fun, blasting inexpertly on trumpets, snorting down flutes trying to get a tune, making rude sounds come out of clarinets, screeching on violins and twanging guitars. It was far from a peaceful environment plus I spent most of my time on my knees to get the right angle accompanied by the constant caterwauling coming from every room.

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Tech Spec: I didn't want to use flash as the natural light was great, but it meant using prime lenses on full aperture (F2 or less) to get enough exposure. This did get the backgrounds nicely out of focus though and was less imposing for the kids than huge zoom lenses (also easier to manage as I was virtually crawling round the place.

For more info

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