Monday 11 June 2012

Festival of the World

Highlight: Photographs on display at Southbank Centre as part of the life changing arts projects!

Lowlight: Not actually my photos which are life changing!

Fill in: Slambassadors is involved with the Festival of the World at the Southbank Centre as part of the life-changing arts projects from all over the world. I'd like to say it is my photography that is a life changing project but it is actually the poetry project Slambassadors! which I photographed not my photos that is life changing! (Although I would argue that photography has been life changing for me at least and therefore not totally undeserving of a little notice in this auspicious exhibition). 

Aaraon 'ICY' Denyer and Chris Preddie OBE who will be speaking at the summit on 25th June.

Tech spec:. Well I didn't do anything really except remain faithful to this exceptional project. Slambassadors! is a showcase of spoken word performance for young people organised by post-punk poet extra-ordinaire - Joelle Taylor and every year the young artists never ceases to inspire and amaze and keep my faith in the the future of human kind knowing these kids are the next generation. The Poetry Society continue to use me for this event which I am extremely proud to be a part of.

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