Monday 20 August 2012

Gillmans and Soame Training

Highlight: Meeting up with a bunch of enthusiastic photographers (start of week)

Lowlight: Meeting up with a bunch of moaning photographers (end of week)

That's me - 5th from right not counting the weirdo in the top right corner.

Fill in: Having completed a year doing single portraits, I passed the first year of the Gillman and Soame school of photography and entered the training school for the class groups. The thought of having to control a whole class of school kids and make them all smile at my camera at the same time had me nearly reaching for my phone and calling Clare, who has the thankless task of trying to train a bunch of know -it-all snappers, to tell her not to bother with the pay rise and I was quite happy just doing individual portraits thank you. But that never happened (why? why?) and I duly finished the course and am looking forward to a season trying to get whole classes of school kids to look at my lens and smile.

Tech spec: No tech spec - it's all a trade secret I'm afraid but I will tell you that I practice at home with Lego figures....

For more info:

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