Sunday 9 December 2012

Storytelling at WIndsor Castle

Highlight: Olivia Armstrong's story telling - I need her to read me to sleep every night. I feel like I have spent Christmas with Queen Victoria herself.

Lowlight: Yes - it was very low light. There were huge floor to ceiling windows and they were almost completely blocked by dark shutters.

Fill-in: Following on from my adventures at Buck house, I got offered a commission at Windsor Castle. My long suffering partner and my son accompanied me, and I had the idyllic notion they would visit the castle and get some culture stuffed into them - especially as Kyle is studying the Tudors at school. However they got as far as the first Starbucks, fell into two comfy sofas and whiled away the two hours drinking hot chocolate and playing on their Ipads whilst I slogged my guts out ducking between kids, under ropes and over cushions trying not to knock over priceless antiques.

Tech spec: The area I was working was very dark so it was out with the prime lenses, up with the ISO and open with the shutter. I arrived early and took the opportunity to take some photos of the story teller without the children just in case we had no children at all or if they would not be happy to be photographed. Olivia is a fantastic story teller and a pretty good model too...

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