Saturday 2 February 2013

Bernadine Evaristo

Highlight: Finally Meeting Bernadine

Lowlight: Not being able to explore her considerable collection of books.

Fill-in: I met Bernadine at The Poetry Review event at Keats House, although she had contacted me months before to arrange a shoot. So, after months of emails going back and forth it took a good old fashioned face to face chat for us to finally get it together and book a date.

Tech spec: I had bought a pair of LED ring lights and was dying to use them in anger. These are perfect for a really soft light when you don't have a lot of room and want to make use of the ambient light, but dont want to use flash. I fell in love with them on this job as they looked amazing on Bernadine and brought out her best features.

For more info on Bernadine Evaristo:

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