Sunday 3 April 2011

Japan Benefit Concert

Highlight: Just a couple of weeks after working with Beady Eye, here we were again under totally different circumstances.
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Lowlight: Being backstage at Brixton Academy for 6 hours whilst the sun shone outside.
Fill in: It was to be a long haul day - trying to get all the participating bands backstage and all the performances.

So just weeks after shooting Beady Eye for the Japanese press, here we were again. The brief was to get every act backstage and performing which meant 8 hours of hanging around and not all the bands were playing ball. Still the other crews were cool and the Japanese PR got in some great take away to keep the troops going. I was not sure what access we were getting and the PR was not sure what photos they wanted and no one was sure who was going to give permission to be photographed and the promotors were not sure what was going to be allowed to be published. So I brought everything - three lights, flashes, zooms, reflectors and stands and dragged it up and down stairs and along corridors, but in the end only used one camera and one lens.

The concert lighting was better than at the Troxy though.

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20110403kellyjonessession_ 06720110403coxon 113

20110403ashcroft_  02420110403coral_live 128

20110403primalscreamlive 27920110403beadyeyelive  091

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