Saturday 24 September 2011

Eid 2011

Highlight: The first sunny weekend for ages and I'm outside all day
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Lowlight: Sprained ankle still causing grief and have been told it will take 6 weeks to get better…if I rest it…and try to stay off my feet….

Fill in: This annual event takes place in Trafalgar Square and this year Sounds of Reason are headlining. It is quite a sight seeing hundreds of cute Arab girls screaming their heads off and waving their pink, crystal studded iPhones at the stage. Yes, East definitely met West in the Square today. Best dressed girls of the day - the colour co-ordinated habits and trainers.

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Tech Spec: Two cameras, one set up for low light performance shots (usually first three no flash as for gigs) and one for quick snaps (full flash, point and shoot). As it happens my flash decided to conk out on this job right in the middle of shooting gSnow Patrol. There is no time to hang around at these events so I had to whip off the speed light and rely on my pop up flash - they do come in useful and for this reason I always use the D700 for snaps just in case.

For more info

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