Friday 2 September 2011

Liberty Festival 2011

Highlight: Being amazed by physically and mentally disabled performance artists.
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Lowlight: I had badly sprained my ankle and as the festival is spread over two sites my devoted partner insisted on taking me round in a wheelchair. The GLA events manager was surprised to say the least but I just told him I was a method photographer and dedicated to my art.
Fill in: As it turned out I was only photographing on one site so there was not much walking and as my damned partner's wheelchair driving is as scary as his driving so I felt a lot safer out of the wheelchair than in it, even with a sprained ankle. The performances were in front of the National Theatre but alternated between the two ends so it meant a mad dash (or limp in my case) in-between each act to get a good spot. What with a sprained ankle and electric wheelchairs, motorised scooters, walking frames and visually impaired people to contend with it became a hazardous six hours.

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Tech Spec: Very bright sun meant using fill in flash and choosing viewpoints carefully. There are lots of walkways and different levels on the Southbank so you can get some good angles. A Long lens and a wide lens gets some great shots in this situation and are good for shoot in crowds where you can either use the long to get them out of focus and standout of the way, pr the wide to get right up to the front and squat from allow viewpoint -again out of the audiences way.

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