Friday 9 November 2012

Remembrance Day - 2012

 Lowlight: Losing coat

Highlight: Re-uniting with coat

Fill in: I arrived at City Hall, found my usual spot by the sound desk and hung my coat over the bannister. After a few set up shots, I returned to find my space had been invaded! Another black coat was hung, bold as brass beside mine. I was a bit indignant, but it's a free world and using the cloakroom is not obligatory. The ceremony came and went and it was time to retire upstairs for the reception. I went to get my coat and horror of horrors,  my scruffy plain coat from Debenhams had been taken and a stylish French Connection one was left behind. Well you can imagine my frustration, but was confident the owner would soon realise their mistake. however after a few minutes waiting no-one came forth and I was left with the dilemma of handing the coat into security which left me coatless, or taking the coat hostage in the hope the owner would recognise it and swap it, or if they didn't and had decided to take my scruffy coat, then at least I would have a coat to go home in - and a better one at that. However something did not feel quite right about it all. The coat was two sizes too big for me so the owner could not have taken mine intentionally and must by now have realised their mistake. I told security butn o-one had handed a coat in or reported their coat lost. All through the reception I surreptiously eyed everyone's coats, all of which seemed to be black, but my coat was nowhere to be seen. At the end of the reception, I gave up, decided to take the French Connection one all be it a bit guiltily as it was a far better coat than my own, but justifying it by convincing myslef I needed a coat to go home in, when a rather harassed man being berated by his wife caught my eye. He was holding up my moth eaten affair with bewilderment, whilst she waved her hands wildly and immediately I went to his aid, holding up the French Connection Coat with a smile. They both collapsed with relief and I have to say I was pleased to get my own coat back as I was sure it had missed me.

Tech spec: The exposures for this job were tricky as it was all back lit, so imagine my horror (the second of the day) when I saw I had inadvertently switched the quality from RAW to jpeg - and normal at that! Luckily all my exposures were spot on (for a change) so no adjustment was needed. It always pays to get it right in camera as much as you can as things can and do go wrong!

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