Sunday 17 March 2013

Royal Marsden March 2013

Highlight: The Sun coming out...

Lowlight: ...for about 5 seconds. The rest of the 6 hours it just rained, rained, rained.

Fill-in: I got the gig working with Kirsten Holst, and a colleague of hers, and the three of us had to capture the 14 mile walk. I thought I had it lucky as I was static at the finish line, getting the walkers at the end and the festivities in the hospital. However, the walkers having trapesed 14 miles in the pouring rain were none too happy and in no mood to give a rousing cheer of delight as they reached the finish line, despite my helpful remarks of 'You've done it!' and 'Give us a wave'. Even the dogs were sodden and despondent.

Tech spec: Rain. This time I had remembered both storm jackets and raincoat for the bag. If you want to avoid sparkly raindrops in your shots then turn off the flash, but if you want to show the full force of the downpour everyone is suffering turn on that flash but make sure it is well protected from the wet.

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