Saturday 20 April 2013

Bishopsgate Walk

Highlight: Going for a free two hour walk of Underground London

Lowlight: Having to to it backwards and without the recorded guided tour.

Fill-in: Bishopsgate were running a walk (?) of London which consisted of a poet guiding a group of walkers via a recorded piece of poetry on an MP3 player. I did ot get an MP3 player as I was taking photos, so I had the bizarre task of trying to guess where the walkers were going to go, walking backwards in front of them to get the shots and not being able to talk to any of them. Even though I didn't have the headphones on I felt like I had gone deaf.

Tech spec: It was quite liberating to be able to shoot so spontaneously so I took the camera off manual and shot aperture priority. I ran ahead as far as I dared and tried to anticipate backgrounds that would look good for the walkers.

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