Tuesday 6 December 2011


Highlight: Getting to shoot a real rock band!!!

Lowlight: Trying to avoid the waving mike stand - David Coverdale is lethal with dat ting!
Fill in: There is nothing like a real rock star to get your music photography juices going and Dave Coverdale does more than deliver. Lit with spotlights like daylight If you don't manage to get him with the mike as a phallic symbol then you should just pack your Billingham and go home. With David at the helm of a gang of gyrating guitarists, his mass of permed golden hair that doesn't need a wind machine to look wind swept, his sprayed on jeans and every cliched gesture packed into one rock god body suddenly I wasn't in the forum any more. We were win the biggest arena in the world!

Tech Spec: Lighitng was too good - the ISo didn't go low enough and the white shirt was potentially a problem - thank the rock god David didn't wear black. The only technically hard thing about this gig was editing the images down to a reasonable number. I kept mainly to wide angles to show off those Rock God postures and ensure I didn't chop off the end of David's mike!

For editorial:

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