Thursday 22 December 2011

Chas and Dave

Highlight: The only photographer here so  got the pit to myself.

Forgot film! Searched high and low but could not find any film. And as only photographer in pit had to go through the charade of pretending to take pictures calmly, whilst all the time panicking about what I was going to do. Chas and Dave were posing wildly and everyone was looking at me with admiration as I clicked away. Got out of the pit after three songs, only to discover some film tucked away in a pocket of the camera bag for just such an emergency and had to talk my way back into the pit for a few more songs! Chas and Dave were a bit bemused to see me back again...
Fill in: Last job of the year and the pass was confirmed late so I wasn't really expecting to do it. Still forgetting film was something I'd done for a few years now. Luckily I know I'm so disorganised and have film everywhere - in car, in coat pockets, even on my keyring.
Tech Spec:
 Big tip of day - keep spare film with you at all times. I have a small case as a keyring on my carkeys. It just so happened I didn;t have it with me today but the thought is there.

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