Friday 20 April 2012

Absolute Radio

Highlight: Using the Lastolite highlight! Love this bit of equipment.


Lowlight: Carrying a full portable white backdrop studio  around the backstreets of Soho and the Lastolite highlite dropping out of the bag and popping open! (it is 8ft x 6ft and no mean feat to fold back up again).

Fill in: I was to shoot DJs against a white backdrop - headshots, full length, single and in groups. The main event was Rock and Rock Football, so the group shot consisted of Ian Wright, Ian Stone and Perry Groves, then I had to get some stock shots of Richie Firth and Andy Bush.  The hardest part was finding a parking space near Golden Square and then lugging the equipment to the studios.

Tech spec: I used a white highlight background, but still needed to Photoshop around the feet for the standing shots. Because it was quite a variety of shots that were needed, I lit a whole area with a single large softbox from above and behind the camera. I also had some shots to do in the recording studio, which had no windows and small spots so the PR guy who was organising the shoot kindly let me use the huge LED panels to light the area. He also helped me lug my equipment back tot he car - that's service.

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