Wednesday 11 April 2012

Patti Smith

Highlight: Got to see The Lion King.

Lowlight: Missed out on Ed's Diner burger.

Fill in: I got the call to shoot Patti's playback at the last moment and was a bit suspicious. I was also a bit miffed as I'd planned an evening out with my mother and son at the theatre. Ms Smith hates being photographed and last time I was in her vicinity she told me and few other snappers where to go in no uncertain terms. However, not one to be put off, my long suffering partner was shipped in to fill my seat at The Lion King and I dutifully went forth with cameras to the Scotch Bar in Mayfair. I arrived in good time, and sat around playing Angry Birds, whist hostesses as tall as trees in silver outfits offered me salmon vol-a-vents, mini roast beef and yorkshires and sushi (I'm vegetarian!). Lots of important, tend people bustled in and out, but after over an hour of this decadence I was told Ms. Smith was not in the least bit up for a quick snap and my services were no longer required. I rushed across town in hope off catching the theatre party before it left Ed's Diner but alas, Keith had just polished off the burger he had bought for me, but I did get to see the show.

Tech spec: Be prepared, never assume, make the most of it and other such irritating philosophical utterances. 

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