Monday 30 April 2012

Bev Lee Harling

Highlight: 3 hours to photograph a beautiful girl in beautiful clothes with Doris Day on Spotify.

Lowlight: wrestling with a huge red starched petticoat....

Fill in: Bev had used me to photograph her for her album shots in a fifties style shoot. Bev has the perfect face and figure to carry this look and she had been recently sponsored by a clothes company specialising in fifties clothing. The record company wanted some shots of Bev one of the dresses for her press shot. Bev's style and taste pervades all her projects and it is always exciting for me to see how the photos finally are presented after the designers have done their magic. 

Tech spec: Bev is a musician first and foremost so the hard part was getting her to show her character and not look too much like a model, which was tricky as she has model features and figure. She is quite shy, but after putting on a bit of Doris Day (one song I had to play three times as this seemed to bring out the best in her), Bev got into the swing of things. I hit her with a hard light, (not literally) from high left -  the nearest thing I could get to Hollywood glam) and put up a bright yellow background to add a warm glow to the whole proceedings. A huge umbrella did a fill in from low right and I had a speedlight kick in a bit of highlight on the hair and shoulders from behind. 

No photos as yet as I have to wait for the album release but watch this space.

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