Saturday 7 July 2012

Big Dance - Land

Highlight: Morden Hall Park - getting to shop in the Farmers Market

Lowlight: Not enough cash!

Fill in: I arrived at this event early as had no idea where I was going or what I was doing apart from that this was a dance in the middle of a park- or more to the point outside. Even more to the point -  it was the day that a month's amount of rain was due to tip over most of England and when I arrived at the site it was indeed raining. I was early and a farmer's market was on so I spent a happy hour buying organic veg, drinking organic juice and eating organic cakes and pies! Twice I went back to the car to raid it for coins so it was just as well the rain chased me indoors to set up for the job in hand. By some miracle the rain stopped for the half hour performance and started again when it finished.
Tech spec:. All shot on ISO priority with the camera set to 1/250 shutter and F4 aperture. This allowed for the constantly changing light whilst keeping the shutter speed up to freeze movement and the aperture wide for shallow depth of field. The only thing to watch out for in this mode is that your manual settings are within the boundaries of the ISO range, so keep your eye on that meter reading.

For more info:

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