Tuesday 3 July 2012

The Duchess of Kent

Highlight: Five Minute Job

Lowlight: 1 1/2 hour commute into London- The Olympic madness begins....

Fill in: On the drive in, a man was carefully changing a number signs all along the Limehouse Link Highway into London. The signs informed us that we were on a route reserved for Olympic VIPS only and that we could use the lane for now but come 25th July we were to scoot out of the way of the Olympic machine that is taking over the capital. The man on his step ladder was carefully sticking a number 1 over a number 2 of another set of signs that informed us that we were on a route reserved for Olympic VIPS only and that we could use the lane for now but from the 25th or 15th, depending on whether our man had reached that sign or not, we were to PLAN AHEAD! What does it all mean? Well, it did mean the traffic is getting worse if that is possible and I was very nearly late for my booking, but I arrived just in time and the chief exec at Yamaha was not fazed a bit by my just-in-timely arrival. I took three photos and then had to face the journey back...
Tech spec:. It was only three photos but there is no room for error. For these quick shoots I test all equipment before actually entering the same room as the people I am to shoot. There is nothing worse than faffing around with camera settings whilst a group of people, usually very highly paid people, look quizzically and expectantly at you as if to say 'How much longer do I have to stand here like a prat with this overly large cheque whilst you try to get the camera menu off the Japanese version'.

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