Wednesday 11 July 2012

UCB Science Education

Highlight: Putting on a white lab coat and googles - made me look intelligent!

Lowlight: Reminiscing about Biology lessons and the horror of dissecting cow's eyeballs.

Fill in: It was back to school and memories of science lessons came back to haunt me. UCB has got involved with science education and this was a visit to the school of the pilot project to get photos of the results. Just the sight of Bunsen burners and litmus paper was enough to send me back to my own physics classes when the teacher electrocuted himself and the biology teacher made us pull apart worms, frogs and eyeballs. 

Tech spec: It was a mixed bag for the photography of architecture, VIP shots and reportage of the lab work in the school and on-site at the UCB headquarters. Particularly tricky was the UCB decor of the corridors. It was impossible to get the branding without distortion, so I decided to exaggerate the distortion rather than avoid it and used a 17mm-24mm zoom to make the corridor look long and impressive and had a figure in shot (the Head of Comms who was in charge of the shoot) to give a sense of scale. Working in the labs it was a case of trying not to knock over bunsen burners, test tubes of chemicals and centrifuge machines so again - wide angle came in handy for up close shots

For Press shots of labs, VIPS and children:

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