Saturday 29 September 2012

Back to the 80s - Bishopsgate Arts

Highlight: An evening reminiscing about the music from my teen years.

Lowlight: Reminsicing! I am old….

Fill in: An evening hosted by Robert Elms, a fellow ex-NME-ite, with Pauline Black of Selector and Gary Kemp of Spandau Ballet. It was nice to know that the 80s actually weren't that horrific regarding music and style as they are always portrayed (Okay I admit it - I was a fan of Haircut 100 and I did outrage my dad by knicking his shirt, cutting off the collar and wearing it with a huge silver belt and pair of red knickerbockers). As the discussion went from Punk to two-tone, to New Romantics, to Electronic and finally Dance I was able to nod wisely and sigh nostalgically with the rest of the audience whilst munching on the free sherbet dibdabs, black jacks and fizzers. Pauline Black is as feisty and forthright as ever, Gary Kemp as glamorous as he was in Spandau Ballet's heyday if not more so, and Robert Elms charisma kept the evening alive.

Tech spec: Low light, from the top so I had to make sure faces were tilted forward or up to avoid deeply shadowed eyes. I was on 6400 ISO, F2 at 1/125 on the 85mm, using the D7000 which is the quietest camera I possess. Light was horrendously orange, even with the WB on tungsten balance so I had to adjust in the post process.

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