Saturday 1 September 2012

Sandybrown Jazz interview

Highlight: Talking about  myself and all my wonderful achievements.

Lowlight: Trying to find some wonderful achievements - in fact any achievements.

Fill in: I met Ian who runs the Sandy Brown Jazz website at a Jazz Awards bash and being the friendly chap he is he managed to break through my cool, aloof exterior and get through to the soft underside. It wasn't hard actually. All he had to do was ask me for an interview and I was in. I only had to check  with my PR (me), my manager (me) and my PA (me).

Tech spec:  Several lost emails later I managed to cobble some anecdotes together, then my server went down so I couldn't access my archive and my website wasn't working. Apart from that it went like a dream. I sent the final draft off to Ian with instructions to make me sound interesting and he did a stirling job. 

For more info:

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