Tuesday 4 September 2012

Universal managers conference

Highlight: Dinner with the stars.

Lowlight: Always having to do photos just as dessert arrives.

Fill in: I attend this annual event held by Universal Music which showcases the best of the new works from up-coming and established artists to the International Management of Universal. It is quite exciting to see new songs being performed, sometimes for the first time, before they are released to the general public. In the past the organisers never told me who was performing for fear I would leak it to all my press friends, but since they have found out that I have no press friends, in fact I don't have any friends, they are quite happy to let me know beforehand whose on the menu.

Tech spec: The showcases are like doing a gig but the light is more intense, mnore saturated and higher contrast as the venues are often makeshift stages in a hotel with low ceilings and the lights are very close. Very often the lights are right in the camera lens or coming in from the side creating lots of flare so a lenshood is essential. I shoot NEF, expose for the shadows and process bringing the highlights back in.

For more on Universal:

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