Saturday 29 September 2012

Life Drawing Class, Buckingham Palace

Highlight: Spending a couple of hours in a room with a perfect physical specimen of man completely naked (him not me!)

Lowlight: …along with ten other people.

Fill in:  After a month of getting up at the crack of dawn (and some times before the crack) doing school photos and class groups for Gillman and Soame, one of my first commissions following this marathon was to photograph yet another school. However this was a life drawing school, and I was a bit apprehensive as photographing naked people always makes me feel bit voyeuristic. Okay, very voyeuristic. However the model was perfect in manner as well as physique, very photogenic and the serenity of the class and the calming mood of the room made it the perfect antidote to the hectic chaos that is school photography. Pass the camomile tea someone…

Tech spec: Very low light, which is always easy as there is not much choice regarding camera settings. Widest aperture you can, highest ISO you dare and shutter as slow as you can hand hold. Luckily as the subject was fairly static, I could happily go down to 1/30th without too much trouble. This was very top lit, so I had to bear this in mind when composing all the shots, ensuring the main subject was exposed properly and letting the background burn out if necessary.

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