Sunday 30 September 2012

Eid 2012

Highlight: The view from London's Living Room

Lowlight: Shooting in London Living Room - lots of glass and steel.

Fill in: It had been a while since I had an event in London's Living Room at City Hall so got very excited as the view of the river, Tower Bridge and South London is amazing. It is a fairly cosy room, especially if the event is attended by the Mayor of London  and this one was. Boris was on good form and posed for quite few photos, which always ends up in a bit of a scrum with people asking you to take photos of them with the Mayor and then proceeding to get in the way of the shot you are trying to take of the people who have just asked the same thing, whilst at the same time people behind you are tapping you on the shoulder to ask you to take their photo with the Mayor. It all gets very confusing.

Tech spec: Which ever way you shoot in this room you either have a wall of steel cylinders or floor to ceiling convex glass windows in the background. Either way it is a nightmare when using flash. I do long shots on an 85mm F1.4 for moody, natural shots, but as the light is pretty dim and toplit I use flash for the PR group shots and open the shutter to get the background ambient light, being careful to ensure a head is directly in front of the flash to avoid nasty reflections. I always try to do speeches without flash if possible.

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