Friday 20 January 2012

Topping Out Ceremony

Highlight: Brand new year, brand new client.
Lowlight: Didn't know what a topping out ceremony was or how to photograph it - thank god for the internet. For those of you who are like me and have no idea about anything it is a ceremony to place the last brick of a building to finish its construction phase.
Fill in: I was passed this job by a fellow snapper who specialises in architecture. As this was a PR shot I wasn't too out of my depth, but got thrown a curve ball when once on site, they asked if I could just 'grab a few site shots' while I was at it. 
Tech Spec: It was a nice day and I had an idyllic image of being on the roof of a pristine building with suited and booted executives holding a shiny trowel and grinning. As it was the lift was not working and the executives were not young, we had to do the shoot on the ground floor which was still furnished with concrete mixers, piles of bricks, huge steel girders, and spaghetti electrics all over the place. A corner had been cleared for us but it was still very dusty (a nightmare for equipment). I was glad I had my wide angle as the group was very large and the space very small. I also used a diffuser over the flash to make the most of the white walls.
For further details:

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