Wednesday 18 January 2012

Yamaha Class Band Presentation

Highlight: Seeing another meeting room in the House of Commons. Starting to finally know my way around this place.

Whole party comprising over 40 school kids, several teachers, a handful of MPS and VIPS and a headmaster, arriving at Portcullis House only to be told we were in the wrong building and had to cross the road!
Fill in: The job was for Yamaha who were giving a presentation on a project their education programme. I had to get the VIPS with each of the four schools present then a group shot of the whole party.

Tech Spec:
We were squashed into a tiny meeting room and I was racking my brains on how to rearrange the very heavy furniture. Was most relieved when we were told we had permission to shoot in the Great Hall. There was a convenient sweeping staircase so the shot was simple in the end.

For further details:

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