Saturday 4 February 2012

Boris and the laser sculpture

Highlight: Getting to the job before Boris! It was a very trying journey...

Lowlight: Not being in time to set up the shot. It was set up by another photographer who had different ideas to me about the lighting.

Fill in: Boris was there to switch on a laser sculpture, and I was supposed to be there 30 minutes beforehand to set the shot up. Traffic and events conspired against me and I was lucky to get there before Boris. It was freezing cold but despite being half an hour late myself I was still hanging around for half an hour before we took any shots.
Tech Spec: The money shot was Boris with the laser sculpture in the sky in the background. Balancing the exposure to ensure the lasers were visible was going to be tricky. The shot had already been set up by another photographer who had the idea of using the stage lights on very low to light Boris and turning off all the other lights. This was okay, but meant using a very high ISO on the camera and even then using a slow shutter and wide aperture. I went for the safer but less arty route of turning on the flash and keeping the shutter open to get the lasers. Even then it was a bit feeble!

For more info:

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