Saturday 11 February 2012

HMV - The Next Big Thing - Conor Maynard

Highlight: A daytime gig! Get a Saturday night off.

Lowlight: Standing between Conor Maynard and over 200 hormonal teenage girls...

Fill in: Touted as the next Justin Beiber, this guy is more like the bad girl's Justin Beiber. I was extremely brave and queue jumped over 200 young, fit, obsessed hormonal girls to ensure a front position by the stage as there was no pit. Once entrenched in position with a fellow photographer I immediately regretted this move as the girls all came flooding in after and crushed us both against the stage. We had to endure this position for two hours.

Tech Spec: Earplugs! Being next to a monitor turned up to 11 is nothing compared to a room full of screaming, teenage girls.

For editorial:

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