Thursday 9 February 2012

Maxine Fone

Highlight: Seeing Maxine again.

Lowlight: Cleaning out the bath of rotting cherries.

Fill in: So, we had had a great idea to do the seven sins as a series of photos and started last year almost to the day with sloth. We must have got into the part too much as it took a year for us to finally get round to rebooting this project and we actually managed to shoot the rest of the images in one day. Now it just needs me to get photoshopping...

Tech Spec: Trying to keep the theme, I lit Maxine very softly so I could put more moulding in photoshop after if necessary. More important was getting a usable pose and expression for each sin, which I had mapped out in my head beforehand, and any extras - such as random hands, arms, legs and other body parts. I also had to get Maxine in a bath of cherries which although fairly straight forward to set up, was not very pleasnat to clear up - alsoI had banked on the cherries floating in water which they most categorically do not - so had to shoot them separately anyway.....

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