Wednesday 8 February 2012

HMV - The Next Big Thing

Highlight: No restrictions - got whole set and could use flash!!! For all three bands...

Lowlight: Unusually for this venue there were four photographers all jockeying for space - I ended up in middle having to dodge the mike stands.

Fill in: I'd been late to get my requests in to Redferns so this was a bit of late breaker. It was pretty snowy still so was surprised to see this gig still completely rammed to the hilt. With no pit it was an early start, and there were bands on, on the hour every hour. The waiting in between to hold the space was the most tedious part.

Tech Spec: I used flash on minus 1 so it didn't kill the background, and set the camera on 1250 to get the ambient light. Balancing the two was pretty tricky as the stage was very unevenly lit and some of the ambient light overlit the bands at times causing movement blur. I tried to keep the shutter up to 1/60 to avoid this. I also tried to keep the aperture at F5.6 to get as much depth of field as we were quite close to the action.

For editorial:

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