Monday 27 February 2012

Curtis and Hayley

Highlight: Having a free piano lesson

Lowlight: Gap and not having chance to buy anything

Fill in: This job for Yamaha was to photograph child prodigy Curtis Elton - the youngest person in Britain currently to achieve Grade 8 piano. Gap had got together with him to give a short show in the Children's section of their Oxford Street store and to teach kids how to play the Muppet Theme tune for the day. I was there to get portraits and record the workshops. It is quite something to see a little person whose feet don't even touch the ground when they sit on the piano stool reeling off solo performances that would be quite at home in the Royal Festival Hall.

Tech Spec: Even a child prodigy is still a child when it comes to photos and Curtis was your typical 8 year old grinning cheesily for the camera, so it took his dad and sister to stand behind me and pull faces whilst I shot to get a natural smile. The background was lit brighter than the foreground so fill in flash was a must to balance the two.

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