Thursday 1 March 2012


Highlight: Seeing this band again - haven't photographed them since I was at NME.

Lowlight:  Cap on head!
Fill in: I last shot this band for a feature for NME when there was a line up of over 13 members. I lined them up outside a bus-stop! Quiet and introspective, The barbican was a perfect venue to see them....

Tech Spec: ....but not to photograph. Kurt was sitting side on to the front, and the long length of the stage meant it was impossible to get close enough to shoot him facing the camera. Ended up having to crawl between the rows of seats and popping up between people to grab shots. Having just bought the Nikon V1, I put it onto silent mode so I could shoot without annoying the audience too much. It's small CCD meant my 85mm F1.4 became a 200mm F1.4 so I could get tight views without too much camera shake.

For editorial:

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