Tuesday 6 March 2012

She Bop a lula

Highlight: Get to see my picture up on a wall

Some great rock photographers and me.
Lowlight: Get to see my picture up on a wall

Fill in: I have no problem with my pictures being viewed by all and sundry in the papers, magazines, on an album cover or where ever else they may end up. Somehow then, they are serving a purpose; doing a job; providing a need. But putting a photo up in an art gallery as a statement in itself is a whole different story. Then you are saying - hey look at my photo - isn't it great, and you need to have a pretty tough ego to do that - which I have not. I was quite happy to provide Dede with whatever photos she needed to make her exhibition work. She was an old friend and the cause was a good one. However with all the fantastic photographers in her contact book, I was pretty sure that she would not be needing my services. The shock and horror at one of the my pictures actually making the final cut - and the one I least liked - sent me into a state of apoplexy. Still it was done. The big day arrived of the opening night. I was actually in a really bad mood and almost didn't go to the shin dig. But it turned out okay - the other photographers also moaned about their own photos and admired everyone else's and egos were stroked and calmed and placated and it was all in a good cause.

Tech Spec: There is an inverse reciprocal gravitational law in the world of photography. For any given group of photos (N) where x is the photo the photographer (p) likes least, and y is the one they like best, then I = pe/x - p/y where pe is the picture editor, I is the image published and / is the gravitational force. It's a bit like the F-stop scale where the smaller the aperture becomes the larger it's number. The less the photographer likes a picture, the more likely it is to be published. QED. Anyway - go see the exhibition.


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