Friday 23 March 2012

Sports Relief Call Centre

Highlight: Food! Well it's strictly meant for the volunteers but I was invited to join in the bun fight.

Lowlight: Having to stand on desk and rally the troops to a photograph - always feel a bit of dick doing this. (The legendary Jonathan Morrish is one of the best people you can have for assisting in these affairs. He manages to round people up and has no compunction about raising his voice and pointing and grimacing to get everyone to look in the right direction, but despite all this he still retains a dignity and unflustered air few people manage when they are trying to be composed let alone when they are performing various antics to get a group of people to look in the same direction and smile). 

Fill in: PPL commissioned this shoot last year for Comic Relief when they were selected as the London call centre for donations for the event. This year they were the only London Call centre for Sports Relief.   Volunteers all gather for a crash course in donation taking,  some hearty grub and a group photo taken by yours truly before dispersing to their various stations and proceeding to take calls. It is a mammoth operation, with spot sprites for the first donation, biggest donations taken etc. etc. 

Tech Spec: Most of the work is recording the proceedings, so it is straight forward documentary to capture the hustle and bustle of it all. As the light is pretty good I set the camera to 3200 ISO, F2.8 and fire away trying to capture various characters - they are a shy bunch. For the group shot I stood on the desk and yelled. 

For editorial:

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