Thursday 8 March 2012

Gillman and Soame - Dunhead prep

Highlight: Rescuing an endangered school desk

Lowlight: Having nowhere to put it.

Fill in: I love learning new stuff so it was with great anticipation I arrived ready to shoot over 30 sports teams consisting of boys from 4 to 11 years old. However I was not prepared for my heartstrings to be pulled by a school desk. The school were having a refit and the old desks were being cast out after years of faithful service. By the time we arrived all of them had been found new owners and were off to a nice retirement in domesticity. All but one! There it sat in the huge hall where a fate of being chopped up that very afternoon awaited so we were informed by the caretaker. My trainer and fellow photographer, Dave, extolled its virtues and lamented he could not fit it into his car, and looking at me said it would easily fit int he boot of my car. I knew we had no room for it having more than our fair share of useless occasional furniture, the result of many a mad spending spree at IKEA, but cries of 'it's piece of history' and 'it'll make a mint on Ebay' together with 'you'll be doing me a favour' front he caretaker I was persuaded to take it home. Dave helped me heave it into my car, and I drove it 30  miles across London, arrived home and it has been bunging up my hallway on its side ever since. I did look on Ebay and you can;t give the damn things away. Did April Fool's Day come early this year....

Tech Spec: The main trick to the small groups was making sure you had the whole group present and when you did ensuring you'd counted the correctly because it was a real headache to get your group all nicely set up and symmetrical only to find you had an extra body to fit in, which means a complete reshuffle.

For editorial:

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