Tuesday 27 March 2012

Stan Webb's Chicken Shack

Highlight: My first gig in years that is NOT first three songs no flash!!!!!!!!!!!! And to get the pass we spoke to Stan himself  - no pr, no manager, no promoter - the guy is a legend.

Lowlight: Arriving far too early and paranoid I would not get to front unless I stead my claim to a space early had to sit on hard floor for over 2 hours.
Fill in: I arrived right at the start of the evening to ensure of getting a good spot as the 100 Club is notorious for needing sharp elbows to protect oneself. But as it happens I could have arrived as Stan came on stage as the crowd were a sedate lot. In the main Blues musicians are a lot like Jazz musicians in that you could be sitting on the end of their instruments photographing and they wouldn't notice you. Their audiences tend to be equally laid back and I got talking to a couple of die hard Blues fans - one who had seen Deep Purple play in a pub in Essex at the start of their career so I was truly impressed. Stan himself was charisma personified and it was regret I had to leave before the gig ended in order to get the pictures off.

Tech Spec: The light was pretty saturated which results in soft looking images, but I kept the flash turned off as I did not want to kill the atmosphere. I could vary my viewpoint quite a bit as the audience stood back from the stage, and used a wide angle to get some up front shots and a long lens from the side to get some more atmospheric stuff. 

For editorial: www.gettyimages.co.uk

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