Sunday 4 March 2012

My Life Story

Highlight: Seeing Pat Pope (photographer) and Angel Dahouk (old friend from Poetry Society)- this really is a week for reunion

Lowlight: Queue to get in. No queue jumping here - the photographers are lumped in with the guests - even though we don't get a ticket to see the gig!

Fill in: These days I hardly know anyone in the pit as new music photographers seems to appear exponentially every day and most of the photographers I know have gone on to bigger and better things.  I met Pat Pope when I was at NME, and tried unsuccessfully to emulate his distinctive black and white style. It was great to catch up with him whilst in the pit.

Tech Spec: My Life Story consists of quite a few characters, and as we have to name check all the people in the shot for Getty I had to concentrate on the lead singer only - but he was moving around the stage at a quite a pace and was enough for me to extort all my photography skill in trying to capture him. It was of course three songs no flash and Shepherds Bush Empire is very top lit so even though Jake came to the front a number of times in provocative poses they were not well lit enough to capture.

For editorial:

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